Kamis, 14 April 2016

Subject/Verb Agreement

Subject/Verb Agreement 
Here are some examples of subject verb agreement (the subject is bolded and the verb underlined): 
·         My dog always growls at the postal carrier.
·         Basketballs roll across the floor.
·         I don’t understand the assignment.
·         These clothes are too small for me.
·         Peter doesn’t like vegetables.
Compound Subjects
Compound subjects (two subjects in the same sentence) usually take a plural verb, unless the combination is treated as singular in popular usage or the two subjects refer to the same thing or person. Here are some examples of subject verb agreement with compound subjects:
·         Sugar and flour are needed for the recipe.
·         Neither my dad nor my brothers know how to ski.
·         Pepperoni and cheese are great on a pizza.
·         Corned beef and cabbage is a traditional meal in Ireland. (popular usage)
·         The creator and producer is arriving soon. (both refer to same person)
When using “or” or “nor” in a compound subject containing a singular and plural subject, the verb agrees with the closest subject. Examples of compound subjects using or, neither-nor, or either-or include:
·         My mom or dad is coming to the play. (singular)
·         Neither gray nor white is my favorite color. (singular)
·         Either Grandpa or my sisters are going to the park. (closest subject is plural)
·         Either my sisters or Grandpa is going to the park. (closest subject is singular)
·         Neither she nor I am going to college. (closest subject is singular)
Singular Indefinite Pronouns
Here are some examples of subject verb agreement with singular indefinite pronouns:
·         Each gets a trophy for playing.
·         Somebody will pay for this.
·         Anybody is more fun than you.
·         Something is very wrong here.
·         Everybody enjoys a good book.
·         Nothing has been determined as of yet.
Plural Indefinite Prounouns
Here are some examples of subject verb agreement with plural indefinite pronouns:
·         Both are qualified for the job.
·         Many went to the beach and got sunburned.
·         Few know what it really takes to get ahead.
·         Several are already on location.
·         Some sugar is required for taste. (sugar is uncountable so singular verb used)
·         Most of the cookies were eaten. (cookies are countable so plural verb used)
Midsentence Phrase or Clause
Here are some examples of subject verb agreement with a phrase or clause between the subject and verb:
·         theory of physics ascertains that a body in motion stays in motion.
·         virus in all the company’s computers is a real threat to security.
·         The causes of this prevalent disease are bad diet and lack of exercise.
·         The couch and chair I got at the store look really nice in here.
·         The members of the choir are very happy with the performance.
Collective Nouns
Collective nouns can be singular or plural depending on meaning. Here are some examples of subject verb agreement with collective nouns:
·         The committee meets here every Thursday. (singular)
·         The crowd is getting angry. (singular) 
·         The jury has finally reached a decision. (singular)
·         The majority rules most of the time. (plural)
·         The staff have gone their separate ways for the holidays. (plural)
Inverted Subjects
Here are some examples of subject verb agreement with inverted subjects where the subject follows the verb:
·         There are seven clean plates in the dining room.
·         There is a hair in my lasagna.
·         Over the rainbow flies a bird.
·         How are the employees enjoying the new building?

·         A good gift is a gift card.

Minggu, 13 Maret 2016

contoh kalimat Subject, Verb, Complement, Modifier, Past Tense, Present dan Future, rumus tenses

Subject adalah tentang apa atau siapa yang dibicarakan dalam suatu kalimat atau klausa. Adapun subjek dapat berupa orang, hewan, benda, maupun konsep abstrak.
Setiap complete subject pada dasarnya dibangun oleh satu atau lebih noun atau pronoun dengan/tanpa tambahan modifier(s) yang dapat berupa article (the, an, an), adjective, dan prepositional phrase. Adapun gerund dan infinitive dapat pula menempati posisi subjek.
  • His new car tax has already been paid by his assistant.
  • Lia and I were eating our lunch on the kitchen table.
  • The very big boarding school in this country was built in 1980.
Verb (kata kerja) adalah suatu kata yang berfungsi untuk menunjukkan tindakan dari subject, menunjukkan peristiwa atau keadaan. Verbmerupakan satu dari delapan part of speech.
Kata kerja bahasa Inggris tidak selalu berbentuk simple (satu kata), melainkan mungkin berupa frasa hasil kombinasi dengan particlemenjadi phrasal verb (get in, make up, read over).

Macam-Macam dan Contoh Verb

Beberapa macam dan contoh verb antara lain sebagai berikut.
  • Transitive dan IntransitiveTransitive diikuti direct object (contoh kalimat: The boy kicked the ball), sedangkan intransitive tidak (contoh kalimat: Cheryl often sneezes while cleaning).
  • Regular dan Irregular: Pada bentuk regularpast tense dan participle didapat dengan menambahkan suffixed pada base form sedangkan pada irregular, caranya lebih bervariasi.
  • Action dan StativeAction (eat, play) menyatakan bahwa sesuatu terjadi, sedangkan stative (love, need) menyatakan kondisi yang cenderung tetap.
  • Finite dan Non-FiniteFinite dipengaruhi tense dan subject-verb agreement, sedangkan non-finite tidak.
  • Linking Verb: menghubungkan subject of a sentence dengan deskripsinya (contoh kalimat: She is young and beautiful).
  • Causative: Kata kerja untuk menunjukkan bahwa subjek tidak bertanggungjawab langsung terhadap aksi yang terjadi (contoh kalimat: I had my house renovated last week).

  • Biasanya berupa noun (kata benda) atau noun phrase (frasa kata benda)
  • biasanya terdapat setelah verb pada kalimat aktif
  • complement menjawab pertanyaan what (apa) atau siapa (whom)
  • Sarijon bought a cake yesterday
    • What did Sarijon buy yesterday?  –> a cake.
  • He saw Tony at the movie
    • Whom did he see at the movie? –> Tony
  • I explain pharmacology to my students
    • What do I explain to my students? –> pharmacology
Catatan: Setiap kalimat tidak harus mempunyai complement.

  • Modifier menjelaskan time (waktu), place (tempat), atau manner (cara) dari sebuah aksi atau perbuatan
  • Bentuk yang paling umum dari modifier adalah prepositional phrase (kelompok kata yang dimulai dengan sebuah preposition dan diakhiri dengan sebuah noun
    • Preposition = on, out, under, behind, etc…
  • Modifier menjawab pertanyaan when (kapan), where (dimana), atau how (bagaimana)
  • John bought a book at a book fair
    • Where did John buy a book? –> at a book fair
  • She is driving very fast
    • How is she driving? –> very fast
  • I posted my application yesterday
    • When do I post my application? –> yesterday
So, seperti ini unsur-unsur Subject, Verb, Complement dan Modifier dalam contoh kalimat :
We   studied   grammar   last week.
S            V                  C                M
  1. George memasak makan malam
  2. Henry dan Marcia telah mengunjungi presiden
  3. Kami makan siang di restoran ini hari ini
  4. Pat harus membeli bensin kemarin
  5. Pohon tumbuh
  6. Saat itu hujan pukul tujuh pagi ini
  7. Dia membuka buku
  8. Harry mencuci piring sekarang
  9. Dia membuka buku
  10. Paul, William, dan Marry sedang menonton televisi beberapa menit yang lalu.
  1. George / adalah memasak / makan malam / malam
    (subjek) (frase verba) (pelengkap) (pengubah waktu)
  2. Henry dan Marcia / telah mengunjungi / presiden
    (subjek) (frase verba) (pelengkap)
  3. Kami / makan / siang / di restoran ini / hari
    (tergantung) (frase verba) (pelengkap) (modifikator tempat) (pengubah waktu)
  4. Pat / harus membeli / bensin / kemarin
    (subjek) (frase verba) (pelengkap) (pengubah waktu)
  5. Pohon / tumbuh
    (subjek) (frase verba)
  6. Hal / hujan / at 07:00 pagi ini
    (subjek) (frase verba) (pengubah waktu)
  7. Dia / membuka / bukunya
    (subjek) (frase verba) (pelengkap)
  8. Harry / sedang mencuci / piring / sekarang
    (subjek) (frase verba) (pelengkap) (pengubah waktu)
  9. Dia / membuka / bukunya
    (subjek) (frase verba) (pelengkap)
  10. Paul, William, dan Marry / sedang menonton / televisi / beberapa menit yang lalu
    (subjek) (frase verba) (pelengkap) (pengubah waktu)

Past Tense, Present dan Future, rumus tenses.

1. Present tense (simple)

Rumusnya : Subject – V1 – O/C

Ex : Budi sleeps everyday

2. Present continuous tense

Rumusnya : Subject – Be – Verb1 ing – O/C

Ex : Budi is playing drum now

3. Present perfect tense

Rumusnya : Subject – Aux V – main V

Ex : Budi have forgoten his lunch

4. Present perfect continuous tense

Rumus : Subject + have/has + been + Verb ing

EX : Julia has been sleeping since this morning

5. Past tense

Simple past tense

Rumusnya : Subject – Be – was/were – O/C

EX : We were at town yesterday

6. Past continuous tense

Rumusnya : Subject – was or were – Verb ing

Ex : She was watching that film all morning last week

7. Past tense (perfect) atau Past Perfect Tense

Rumusnya : Subject – Aux V have – main V

Ex : When I came, you have cried at front door.

8. Past perfect continuous

Rumusnya : S + Aux verb HAVE + aux Verb BE + main verb

Ex : Mr. Wady and his family had been staying here for one years.

9. Future tense

Rumusnya : S + Aux V Will – main V

Ex : You will came to Jakarta tomorrow.

10. Future continuous tense

Rumusnya : Subject – Aux Verb will – Aux Verb Be – main Verb

Ex : William will be singing at the stage

11. Tenses selanjutnya adalah future perfect tense

Rumusnya : Subject – Aux Verb Will – Aux V have – main V

Ex : The office will have closed by 2 am.

12. Past future tense

Rumusnya : Subject – would – V1

Ex : Jenny would stay if it is rain.

13. Future perfect continuous tense

Rumusnya : Subject – Aux V WILL – Aux V HAVE – Aux V BE – main V

Ex : Jono will have been closing the door.

14. (Past) future perfect tense

Rumusnya : Subject – would – have – Verb 3

Ex : Andi would have successed if he listening.

15. (Past) future continuous tense

Rumusnya : Subject – would – be – V ing

Ex : You would be telling her a story at this moment.

16. (Past) future perfect (seperti future tense but in the past)

Rumusnya : Subject – would – have been – Verb ing

Ex :Ani would have been staying here for one month.

NAMA                        : Rafli R. Putra
KELAS                       : 4EA04
MATERI SOFTSKILL : contoh kalimat Subject, Verb, Complement, Modifier, Past Tense, Present dan Future, rumus tenses
NAMA BLOG             : http://rafliramputra.blogspot.co.id/